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Valerie C Anderson, Christina Carlson and Deborah Shatin.(2001). "Outcomes of spinal cord stimulation." Neuromodulation. 4(1):11-17.

Nelson M Braslow, Deborah Shatin, Douglas B McCarthy, and Lee N Newcomer. (1998). “Role of technology assessment in health benefits coverage for medical devices.” American Journal of Managed Care. 4 (September 25, 1998): SP139-150.

Kim J Burchiel, Valerie C Anderson, Frederick D Brown, Richard G Fessler, William A Friedman, Stan Pelofsky, Richard L Weiner, John Oakley, and Deborah Shatin. (1996). Prospective multicenter study of spinal cord stimulation for relief of chronic back and extremity pain. Spine. 21(23):2786-2794.

Keith Mullett, Mark Rise and Deborah Shatin. (1992). “Design and function of spinal cord stimulators: Theoretical and developmental considerations. Pain Digest. 1(4):281-287.
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